Saturday, September 22, 2012

Class Recap 9/20

As we walked into the classroom, Mr. Boyle handed each of us a paper labeled either "Federalist" or "Anti-Federalist" and told us to partner up with someone who had the same paper. In our partnerships, we read over the paper and tried to analyze the arguments involved in creating a Bill of Rights to the Constitution and then write down each of the points that various people who were directly involved in the making of the Constitution. After we took down the necessary points, we were later assigned a different partner who had the other paper and we exchanged notes and discussed what each person meant in their quotes. It was interesting to see the different opinions of the men involved, and it is also interesting to know the outcome even though the men did not know at the time. After we exchanged notes on Federalists and Anti-Federalists, each partnership was assigned to make a tabloid cover on the Constitution and include several articles that would be inside. I wish we had a little more time to finish, because we had to rush to finish and our paper could have looked much better. It was a productive class, in my opinion.

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