Sunday, October 14, 2012

Class Recap 10/11, 10/12

On Thursday in class, we learned all about the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and also the Battle of Bunker Hill. We watched the animated map that told the story of what happened. It was a dry class, but educational. It was neat to see the actual movement of the groups involved and how they interacted with each other and to see in motion what went down in Lexington and Concord and on Bunker Hill. On Friday, we were handed a document and told to get into groups with the same document. There were 3 documents, and each supported a different view of the Americans and how they wanted to deak with the British. I got the document written by the Second Congregational Congress. It was mainly about trying to keep the peace. Then, we were put into new groups and were assigned to discuss, compare and contrast. I liked seeing the different views of each party in America, because the immediate reaction of the average person is that all of the Americans wanted independence from Britain, but that was not necessarily the case. The past few days in class were beneficial to our education.

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