On Friday in class, our class walked in to a packet of six journal entries that were written during the time of the Civil War. Reading these entries was supposed to put us in the mindset of a total war setting, and spark certain ideas to write about in our own journal entry. It was interesting to read firsthand experiences from other people from that time period. I was assigned to write in the voice of a Union soldier. It was tricky because there were not any entries that pertained exactly to a soldier, so I had to guess at what they would be feeling during the war. It was a considerably enjoyable class.
Today, we had the quiz on the Gettysburg Address. I got most of it right; I just forgot a few words to one of the sentences. After that, we took a lot of notes on the Civil War and how the Union was slowly gaining the upper hand by cutting off the Confederate's supplies and means of having any chance to win the war. After we took the notes, we started to watch a movie on the Anaconda policy among other pieces of information about the war, but myself and a few other kids got called down to the library to talk about Why Triton, so we did not get to finish watching the clip.
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